Episode 60: Investing in Your Financial Freedom | Justin Donald


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Justin Donald, The Lifestyle Investor.

Many of you may know that for 20 years I spent much of my time on the Chicago trading floor and my love for investing has been a constant ever since. I don’t find too many opportune moments to dive into this passion on TGU, so this conversation was certainly a fun one to finally have on the show. Among his many investment tips and tricks, Justin is keen on the importance of “family man first, businessman second”. He wrote his book (see below) as a legacy piece; a memoir of investment tips that he wanted to pass down to my daughter. I mean, how awesome is this?!

Justin and I explore...

→ The importance of reclaiming control over your financial future.
→ What is Front Row Dads?
→ Creating clarity around what you DO want vs what you DON’T want.
→ The myths and misconceptions of why you’re not capable of investing.
→ Justin’s “Murphy’s Laws” of Investing.
→ And more!

The Lifestyle Investor: FREE Book
The Lifestyle Investor: Mastermind
Front Row Dads
Love Justice International

Connect with Justin:
Website: https://justindonald.com
Instagram: @justindonald
The Lifestyle Investor Podcast

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Episode 61: Love Is Our Expander | Adam Roa


Episode 59: Vision Quests, The Hungry Ghost, and Armoring Ourselves with Overindulgences | Josh Trent