Episode 37: Learning to Be You | Kelley James


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Kelley James is a unique guest on The Great Unlearn today and shares a ton of wisdom surrounding the life-giving concept of simply learning to be yourself.

Kelley is a husband, father and musical savant– freestyling his way through PGA Tours and private events, engaging with his audience in a way that only he can. He may have given us a dose of this gift of his within the podcast ;)

In this episode he shares his realization that aspirations can only get us so far and that dreams can sometimes even guide us away from our own innate gifts and true path. After all, learning to be yourself and honing in on our own desires is what really creates a fulfilling life.

Kelley and I explore many lessons including…

→ Always returning to our inner tracker.
→ Deviating from our dreams to be on our own unique path, not someone else’s.
→ Giving ourselves grace to pivot when something doesn't serve us anymore.
→ How dreams are here to inspire us, not drive us.
→ How the comparison game robs us of enjoying our own unique gifts in life.
→ And more…

Connect with Kelley:
Instagram: https://bit.ly/30n7Slo
Website: https://www.kelleyjames.com

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Episode 38: Fitness That Extends Our Quality of Life | James Fitzgerald


Episode 36: Brotherhood & Learning How to Show Up | Greg Buth, Dave Regula & Noah Rothman