137. Boyd Varty | Activate Your Wild Self and Awaken to a Fuller Life

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Boyd Varty — Lion Tracker, Storyteller, and Life Guide — shares his wisdom on embracing our wild selves. We recently celebrated his 40th birthday on the South African coastline — hiking across the landscape, leaping from cliffs, and engaging in meaningful and revealing fireside conversations. Along this journey there was one primary aspect that we all felt truly touched by: the awakening of our unique wild self.

Danny and I dive into…
➝ The ceremony of entering a new decade
➝ The journey to the wild self
➝ Becoming someone who cultivates and fosters life
➝ The intelligence of moving grief
➝ Uprooting what numbs us – identities, roles, unfelt emotions, stimulants
➝ And more!

The Big Leap: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Leap-Conquer-Hidden-Level/dp/0061735361/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WF068GVY8FXH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ACIcYF814ICF5oNaYZuVRvDR_D5XfmILLzj-2QrLNuGYC7vSU7M0012GW5Lpe_lbvI791fv8w17pT2YFLkz6WONJRW1KmWpXNQOCwpgYifN6qnkurd83-NtQQbfXgYYyxh-E6WfuCP5x_AoPEDriGHdNHAvliT9zaqPdrBU5IeAMPmUrmhg9nEpGz8sTaQzORwicA_j-ljVUcA4xW-50PwXkZA62UlT8pgxtVrmSt7g.YlgkhDTWqE58I9YiqEPLIFTCYcV-CHFQ3xt55-eY180&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+big+leap&qid=1713731592&sprefix=the+big+leap%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1

Website: https://boydvarty.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boyd_varty/
Books: https://boydvarty.com/book/


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138. Michael Chernow | Living a Sober Life, Creating Habits That Heal, Loving Yourself First


136. Danny Miranda | Break Free from External Validation and Connect With Your Truth