Episode 63: Balancing Our Life’s Core Values | Jason Khalipa


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Competing at the Crossfit Games on 8 separate occasions and taking home the W in 2008, Jason Khalipa joins us today to share his wisdom around the age-old concept – balance. Something that we sometimes lose sight of as we find ourselves submerged in our fast-paced society; derailing from our priorities and what’s truly important at the end of the day.

Unfortunately – and fortunately, to a degree – Jason and his family found themselves in a situation that no family ever hopes to experience. With the power of gratitude, they allowed this adversity to reorient their priorities and amplify the gifts present in their lives. Bringing forth an even more meaningful life.

Jason and I discuss...

→ Cultivating your own destiny.
→ Using times of crisis as opportunities to reprioritize.
→ The importance of micro check-ins with self throughout the day.
→ Meeting adversity with acceptance and gratitude.
→ How Jason keeps his intimate relationship alive amidst their parenting roles.
→ His latest endeavor – NCFit app; simple, effort-based daily and on-demand workouts.

NCFit App here!

Connect with Jason:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasonkhalipa
Website: https://www.jasonkhalipa.com

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