Episode 27: I Reserve The Right to Change My Mind, and You Do Too | Solocast


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In this solocast, Cal deep dives into the moment he awakened to his hand-me-down belief system and programming. Although incredibly grateful for his journey thus far, he abruptly arrived at the realization that many of his “beliefs” and ways of showing up weren’t actually his at all, they were largely instilled through deep inherited programming and childhood wounds. Since beginning his journey to the core of his being, he finds himself leading more with his heart and less with his mind— a lot more feeling and a lot less “shoulding”.

During the cast, we go deep on...

→ Unlocking agreements to free ourselves from self-limiting beliefs
→ Why KNOWING is greater than KNOWING ABOUT
→ Tapping into our playful essence to be in the present moment
→ Deconditioning the idea that we always need to be achieving
→ Honoring our energetic need for physical space, especially within intimate relationships

→ And more...

Episode References:

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Episode 28: Using Pain to Create Not Destroy | IN-Q


Episode 26: Sobering Up, Facing Fears & Coming Clean | Wes Hurt