133. Adam Chin | Level up Your Language to Clear Self-Sabotage

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Adam Chin is the Co-Founder of Enlifted and genius behind course development and education. Adam shares here about the pillars of a well-lived life: health, wealth, relationships, and self. He walks us through the 4-step language process to bring our visions into our reality—whether that be a wellness goal, financial, career, relational, you name it.

I had the privilege of working with Enlifted on my language process in December 2023 and it moved a lot of stuck energy and made way for greater expansion. Listen until the end to hear my live process.

Adam and I discuss...
➝ The most important thing for aligning with our visions
➝ The 4-step language process to integrate a dream
➝ Live examples of utilizing Enlifted method for clearing self-sabotage
➝ How to build a stronger Story that creates ease and inspiration in your daily life
➝ And more!

Get Enlifted [ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-enlifted/id1611959870 ]
Untethered Soul [ https://www.amazon.com/The-Untethered-Soul-audiobook/dp/B006KZ8EBQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GZVKKQ125AXC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EHiUDBBn-xvMlnoWDEkqrRxO2EUA52pQpUxMDD1fz423VpFF8HJWlv_luLs4hL-YBdL7RxYIlQdk8whcSxaQYkx3ZUw4mkhn7iwN3oivhtjP5mnnFnSVfbeNz7rGu_KcdYkNkYcYxZG485fBED_QNt2C6nOjqWy2J9NcklNc3dmg-R918f98u48lEPDqU8JkL7TqgjYL1ZoCxW4dRKD9rMM4XxRTOtwKIbAZVcHNAiY.3JbheajX_cFGge1e90l9c2gPRkfc_HX4APIXbmM4JRc&dib_tag=se&keywords=untethered+soul&qid=1708563219&s=audible&sprefix=untethe%2Caudible%2C108&sr=1-1 ]
Alison Armstrong [ https://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Development-Men-Expanded-2nd/dp/B00B2PID8S/ref=sr_1_4?crid=30KI9UEZ4F41H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zkGKjCp0ZpNtJ7eDTfrhTCXvluLE9709iqfjtFLCScI4rfG_TCN7eUFI_T-H6H2tGDjuzs9YGjgqfKC5-8kFugDq4eeP20rjHXdP1JZWE9rS7umchxT08OUCJLKORjg6BFXuMthacNKjl1E9RpzxEdM5BJ0OOVA4_Ds3jd8bEgBrtG9QldUW3jEdobEybGHmNc_M5KZGYPiiFnNHSN-OJuT22xyX3H-SHIIeXSTkVB4.ORt16yj0y2HtTr5P3f_2eYbVKXYL5UH9UwTtakczNUk&dib_tag=se&keywords=alison+armstrong&qid=1708563203&sprefix=alison+arm%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-4 ]
Saylor Academy [ https://www.saylor.org ]
Apogee [ https://apogeestrong.com/welcome-1030 ]

Enlifted [ https://enlifted.me ]
Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/adamschin/?hl=en ]


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134. Justin Donald | The Lifestyle Investor: Create Wealth Without Creating a Job


Episode 132: Exiting a Prosperous Career in Hollywood and Embarking on a Somatic Healing Journey | with David Sutcliffe